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What’s for dinner? A question heard around the world.

Erin House

What’s for dinner?

A question heard around the world. If you are a planner or a spur-of-the-moment person this question seems to give people pause.

What IS for dinner? A check of the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer can bring an immediate idea. On other days a trip to the grocery. Perhaps you have pre-assembled the dish and just need to cook it. On other days, it's leftovers or takeout.

Do you have a delivery service for meals ready to go after following a few step-by-step instruction cards?

Are you a recipe book person or a cook from memory person with decades of family recipes store on handwritten notecards, or sheets of paper with stains from years of use?

I am a bit of all of this. I grew up in a home with many recipes and dishes passed down from relatives. My parents took such great care of us and continue to do so. My mother is creative and tried something new often. Keeping a busy brood intrigued by a meal is still her specialty. My father, the master of the grill! He loves to be at the helm of the fire with his favorite tongs. Watching my siblings and me horsing around. Grandchildren and a multitude of family pets enjoy the green grass of his big yard and large kitchen. Our boisterous voices fill the air with jokes and laughter and the occasional “ hey watch me do this” as a challenge to all in earshot to then try said activity.

Back to the daily pressing question. What IS for dinner?

The question is never far from my mind. It often arrives in my ears mid-morning, as my husband, who works from home is thinking about the end of his day and what will fill his belly. This is often a rhetorical question course. He doesn't leave all meals to me. He is an amazing chef/cook and head kitchen destroyer! For the record, he is truly talented and loves assembling all the wild ingredients and fancy techniques. I enjoy every bite and I am happy to clean up!

It’s a completely fair exchange.

This brings me to my latest answer to the What’s for dinner question. I responded, "I saw this video clip on Instagram". Let's give it a whirl. I am accomplished in the kitchen too, having run a ski chalet in France many years ago. That story is for another blog entry.

If you have attempted to follow a recipe online, there are usually many advertisements jumping up on the screen, ingredients missing and steps only a seasoned chef would know to do in the cooking process. A pleasant surprise was in store for me.

I watched a video and oh wow! This looks simple I can do this. Dill-crusted salmon.

Writing about this meal is making my mouth water.

I sent my husband to the grocery to collect the ingredients. We had olive oil, salt, pepper, pecans, eggs, (egg white was needed) parmesan cheese, and garlic in our pantry. We needed salmon fillets, fresh lemons, and a huge bunch of fresh dill. He also brought a bottle of pinot grigio. He knows me well.

Here is my quick take on a beautiful recipe by @Cookingwithfiona

I suggest you follow this talented woman. You will have delicious answers to What’s for Dinner?

I hope I made the question much easier to answer today.


Follow - @cookingwithfiona on Instagram for the recipe and full instruction video.

I would love to hear how your version turned out. Drop us a note, we may just feature you in a future post!

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